What's Next?
Watch now for "Signs of Summer" SOS a project of Trillium Deaf Program developed to give Deaf students transitioning from school into the world of work and independence an opportunity to intern on a Biodynamic farm with peers in a warm and welcoming environment.
See our "PROJECTS" page for more information on this exciting opportunity!
History of Trillium...
20 years ago Trillium was formed to bring beautiful and artistic American Sign Language (ASL) and a better understanding of Deaf culture to both Hearing and Deaf communities. Deaf
teachers, storytellers, interpreters and a doctor
came together to create curriculum better meeting
the needs of Deaf children as whole human beings.
Much was learned and shared.

10 years ago Trillium realized Deaf athletes experienced frustrations as roads to their advancement were blocked by communication challenges and social isolation. Deaf Elite Athletes Federation (DEAF) developed as an arm of Trillium supporting these athletes. Online ASL vocabulary was developed for coaches and team members to better meet the needs of Deaf athletes

5 years ago, traveling in Mexico, we chanced to meet a young deaf boy. He could neither read nor write nor speak nor sign. He had virtually no language but mime and universal gesture and a smattering of home sign. He was 14 years old. His family desperately requested our help, explaining that his only future was to beg on the street. "Signs of Change" developed as an arm of Trillium supporting a special needs school program in Zihuatanejo, Mexico and the work of two teachers on site. Now that boy is an Honor Roll high school senior preparing to go on to University. He now looks forward to a future of independence and self sufficiency. Trillium supplied the opportunity but it was his hard work which changed his life and inspired us all.

3 years ago Susan Schaller author of the book, A Man Without Words expressed the dream of producing a play by the same name telling the true story of a deaf Mexican man living without language. "Signs of Life" was born to support Susan's efforts and the play was performed cooperatively with both Hearing and Deaf actors and consultants involved.
"Signs of Literacy" developed as another arm of Trillium supporting ASL video Fairy Tale productions linked to books in English to enhance literacy skills in Deaf children.

2016 was a year of adventure! Trillium sponsored Deaf students traveling to a sailboat in Fiji, on a dog sledding expedition north of the Arctic Circle and to an isolated lighthouse on a tiny island in Alaska. We hope 2018 will bring more adventures to Deaf students interested in Scuba diving, Sailing and Exploring.